Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Was it REALLY that long ago?

I just got a "save the date" for next summer. It was one I've been dreading expecting for a while now. Nope, not someone's wedding. It's for my High School Class Reunion -- DHS Class of 1989. I was 18 years old when I graduated from high school and I have now been out of school for 19 years. I've been out of school for more years now than I had been alive when I graduated! I am not really sure how I feel about that. Shock and horror come to mind!

No, seriously. You're old when you go to your 20 year reunion. I remember thinking just that when my parents went to their 20 year reunion. Now it's MY 2o year. Can anyone say YIKES!!!!

I went to the ten year one. It was fun. I saw the people I was curious about. I made peace with one person I wanted to make peace with. I saw who had changed and who hadn't. I did what I wanted to do. What is different about the 20? We're older?

Twenty Years. Wow.

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