Monday, November 10, 2008

Day 10: My attitude today...

I'll see you tomorrow.

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals


Patsy said...

:) that's all.

Julie said...

I did that this morning -- Thor has to get up at 5:30 to catch the bus at 6:30, and I at the very least get up to make sure he made it out of bed, even if I don't stay up, and we usually chat for a couple minutes before he leaves.

This morning I woke up and saw that there was a light on, so Thor must have gotten up, but it was already past 6:30 and he had left. I felt terrible that I didn't even say good morning to him.

Anonymous said...

Bleh. Me too. But for today. Today is Tuesday. I can't stop sneezing, my husband sneezed all night, my head hurts, and I'm whhiiinneey. Yes I would like some cheese with my whine.